Snow and Ice Management Services

Winter weather in New Hampshire can be unpredictable. Commercial properties need more than a snowplowing service. Snow and ice events must be managed 24/7. At Groundhog Landscaping we are on top of our game when it comes to winter snow and ice services. In any given snow event, we are managing about 80 commercial properties and condos over a 30-mile radius.

Winter parking lot maintenance should be about more than just costs.

Budget constraints are a reality with managing any commercial property. Tightening the belt sometimes can make the difference between black and red on the balance sheet. While this is a common practice with most commercial maintenance services, there are more factors than cost that come into play regarding winter parking lot maintenance. No business or commercial property owner wants a slip and fall lawsuit or the bad PR that comes with poor ice management.

What can you expect from our snow and ice management services?

While each commercial property has different specifications for snow removal, at Groundhog Landscaping we have been following a successful winter snow and ice management protocol for over 20 years that has resulted in zero liability claims.

If you’re not happy with the quality of your current snow removal service, give our landscaping office a call and request a proposal. We would love the opportunity to show you why Groundhog Landscaping is “the best around without a shadow of a doubt”- even in winter!

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