
A lot of things in the landscape slow down when summer sets in, but one certainly does not – weeds! Before you know it, weeding out your mulch beds moves up to the top of the to-do list. Weeds love hot dry conditions, and since most of them are annuals, they are in a hurry to produce seed. Once weeds go to seed, now you have thousands more new weeds to worry about!

What are the best strategies to control weeds?

The first thing we would recommend to control weeds in shrub beds is to cut a fresh lawn edge and apply 1 to 2 inches of bark mulch every year. The edge keeps turf grass from creeping in, and bark mulch – being high in carbon and generally acidic – creates an environment not favorable to weed growth.

But some weeds are tough. They require a multi-pronged strategy:

  1. Mechanically remove them before they go to seed
  2. Get out all the roots – use a garden fork if needed
  3. Use a pre-emergent weed control that kills the seed
  4. Spot-spray with a non-selective herbicide as a follow-up

How can Groundhog Landscaping help with weeding?

  1. Our spring cleanup crews can prep the beds by weeding out any late-season weeds, cut a fresh lawn edge and apply bark mulch.
  2. Our landscape maintenance crews can be assigned to “shrub bed patrol” where they periodically pull weeds in high profile shrub beds. This is especially popular with our commercial maintenance clients who need their properties to look good all the time.
  3. Our landscape enhancement crews can renovate shrub beds that have been overcome by weeds. Ideally, we hope it never gets to this point!
  4. For meticulous bed maintenance, Groundhog’s Turf Care division has a shrub bed weed control service that involves pre-and post-emergent weed controls.

As with all our services, bed weeding is considered a pay-as-you-go program. Be sure to mention that you want weed-free beds and are interested in adding weeding services to your spring cleanup or weekly lawn maintenance service!

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