Derry NH Landscaping Project

It’s so much fun doing landscape construction when you’re starting from scratch! This established home was desperate for a landscaping makeover, so we cleared everything out and began to build it as if it were our own. Because it is on a busy road, we made sure this this Derry New Hampshire landscaping project included driveway turnarounds with ample parking spaces for safety, and plantings out front that would help to buffer the traffic noise.

The backyard was the key to this landscaping project in Derry NH.

Real outdoor living happens in the backyard, though, so we gave careful attention to the needs of the homeowner when it came to this landscaping project in Derry NH. Fortunately, the existing site already had a level backyard, so we cleared out the trees, removed stumps and installed sod for fast rooting.

There needed to be ample space for for this young couple to entertain friends, but also allow for expanding when children come along. Directly behind the house is the quietest and most private space, so that is where we positioned the patio and firepit, with a concrete paver walkway providing easy access from both the driveway and the house.

Last but not least, we installed chain link and aluminum fencing so their black lab would have ample room to run and play. This fencing meets town codes for swimming pools – in case there are plans to install a swimming pool in the future.

Take a tour through this “soup-to-nuts” landscaping project in Derry NH.

Here are some of the landscaping services we performed with all of our in-house crews:

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