Bark Blowing Services

In the first few warm spring days after a long winter, our phone literally rings nonstop! Everybody wants to clean their yard quickly and put down a fresh coating of colorful mulch…and we can’t say we blame them! Groundhog Landscaping runs two bark blowing trucks, six days a week throughout the spring. 90% of our bark mulching jobs are done with bark blowers.

Bark blowing trucks put down bark mulch much faster.

Each of these trucks can blow over 100 yards of bark mulch in a single day. Our bark blowing trucks have revolutionized spring cleanups for us and relieved some pressure on our landscape materials delivery services.

If you want to wheelbarrow and spread the mulch in your planting beds yourself, we are happy to arrange a bark mulch delivery at your convenience. Or, for a flat installation fee per yard, we can blow the bark mulch into your planting beds for you.

Bark blowing uses less mulch than hand-spreading.

Blowing in mulch uses anywhere from 20% to 50% less mulch than spreading with a wheelbarrow and rake. Typically, we install only about an inch of fresh mulch on existing mulch beds. That’s hard to do with a rake! While you are paying for bark blowing services, you are saving money on using less mulch than spreading it by hand.

How does Groundhog Landscaping’s bark mulch blowing service work?

If you have not contracted Groundhog Landscaping do a spring cleanup, you should make sure you have edged and weeded your beds ahead of time. Then simply choose the type of bark mulch you want, and we will put you on the schedule. A 50% deposit is required at the time of scheduling; the balance is due after work is done. You only pay for the quantity of mulch that we use.

We recommend scheduling a few weeks ahead of when you need the mulch installed.

Our bark blowers are not just for bark mulch.

We also use our bark blowers for lawn renovation work in the fall, applying a very thin layer of our own compost to the lawn after Groundhog Turf Care has core aerated the turf. The compost works its way down to the turf’s root zone and improves the soil structure.

If you’re interested in lawn renovation work, contact Groundhog Turf Care or call them at (603) 505-8587.

If you’re interested in bark blowing services, contact the Groundhog Landscaping office or give us a call at (603) 437-4464.

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