Summer Lawn Care Tips

As spring rolls into summer, the needs of your lawn change. Summer brings a shift in environmental conditions such as heat, humidity and evaporation. With these conditions come a host of summer turf problems not typically seen in spring or fall.

We asked our turf care specialist, Nick Makris, to weigh in on some of the challenges of caring for a summer lawn. We feel these summer lawn care tips will make all the difference in helping you maintain a healthy, green lawn throughout this hot season.

Beat the heat stress on your summer lawn.

When days are longer and temperatures exceed 80°, your lawn can experience heat stress. Cool season grasses in the New Hampshire typically go dormant, or semi-dormant in these conditions. However, weeds grow vigorously, which can compete with establishing a new lawn and even maintaining an existing one.


Watering your summer lawn: How much and how often?

On the average, it requires one to two inches of water each week to maintain a healthy lawn. This usually isn’t a problem in spring and fall with cooler temperatures and adequate rainfall. Most irrigation systems will run 15 minutes per zone per day to accomplish this.

However, summertime conditions will cause evaporation – suddenly the spring watering schedule is inadequate, as the moisture will sit on the surface. Your goal in watering a summer lawn is to develop a deep root system.


Why is my lawn turning brown during the summer?

This is a very common question that we get, and unfortunately the answer isn’t always simple. The answer could be not enough water, or it could be too much water causing fungus growth. A simple adjustment of the irrigation schedule could fix the former issue; but fungus growth requires a multi-pronged strategy of cultural practices and possibly chemical controls.


Convection Heating Causing Root Stress

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Septic Tank
Propane Tank

Many Types of Lawn Fungus Resemble Drought Stress

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Red Thread
Leaf Spot
Dollar Spot

If your lawn is turning brown and you aren’t sure why, your best solution is to call our turf care division at (603) 505-8587 and schedule a free consultation with one of our highly qualified lawn care techs.

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