Why Our Lawn Care Services Are Better

Groundhog Turf Care over-delivers with lawn care services unlike any other!

Lawn Care Services designed just for you. For nearly 20 years, we have received countless requests from our customers to provide lawn care services. Franchised lawn fertilization services have rooted themselves in here, providing standardized programs that are designed for a variety of climates across the country – not necessarily for the needs of a New Hampshire lawn.

We are so excited to be providing both new and existing clients with Groundhog Turf Care services. Our programs are designed specifically for New Hampshire soils, weeds, and pests. It will give you the healthiest lawn possible – without the customer service hassles and up-sells that are common with many national lawn care services.

Turf grass consumes a lot of nitrogen. We feed the turf 6 times throughout the season – or approximately every five to six weeks – to establish the proper levels of fertility in the soil. Iron is infused in our fertilizers, not only to give you the best possible color, but also to harden off the turf, protecting against disease.

TWO Crabgrass preventers. Crabgrass is an annual weed. It can only spread from seed. The best strategy in crabgrass control is to stop the seed from germinating. At Groundhog Turf Care, we apply pre-emergent weed controls in both the first and second fertilizer applications. Even with two pre-emergent applications, this persistent weed can establish itself in hot spots along edges of your driveway and road sides. Our lawn care services include a post-emergent crabgrass control as well to keep these trouble spots under control.

We “stick” with the best weed controls. Our Broadleaf weed control is the best in the industry for controlling dandelions and clover because it is made with a surfactant and methylated seed oil. This increases adherence to weed surfaces and also reduces storm-water run off during heavy rains.

TWO insect control products. Turf insects in the Northeast are different than other regions in the United States. The grub controls available at home improvement stores are not specific to this region, so you may not be getting the effectiveness you could be getting with a DIY product. We use a professional-grade combination product for turf pest control. It not only protects against grubs, but also has an added ingredient for surface insects like Chinch bugs, army worm, or sod web worm.  This will give you true insect control all season long – and it’s guaranteed!

Soil tests too! Many lawn care services do not perform soil tests, or they charge extra for it. How can you know what your lawn needs without a test? If the pH levels in your lawn are too low or too high, nutrients like nitrogen cannot be readily absorbed. We check your soil pH. This will ensure that we are applying the correct amount of Calcitic lime to your lawn, in order to make the best use of fertilizers that your lawn receives.

These program differences are one part of the Groundhog Experience, our TEAM is the other. Being a family owned and operated business with decades of industry knowledge, we desire to make your lawn care experience more like a membership than a contract.

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