You probably never think about your lawn irrigation system. It quietly waters the grass every day keeping it lush and green – freeing you up to do what you want to do instead of moving hoses and sprinklers. An automatic lawn irrigation system is by far the best investment you can make in your landscape. And it is practically maintenance-free.
The basic irrigation system maintenance services involve startup in the spring and irrigation system blowouts (winterizing services) in late fall. Many Groundhog Landscaping clients will turn on their own irrigation in the spring and simply hire us to winterize their irrigation system.
Time for a checkup! If you have an older system, you might want to consider an irrigation inspection along with your irrigation system maintenance service. Our irrigation service techs have over 20 years’ experience. They can identify spot trouble signs before they become leaks, check wiring, and adjust controllers or heads for maximum water efficiency. Having seen a lot of changes in irrigation hardware and technology, they can also recommend new water-saving technology and convenience items like wireless controllers that allow you to manage your irrigation system remotely.
Your lawn irrigation system may be expandable too. Do you have hanging pots, annual flowers, or a vegetable garden that you water manually? It is possible that you have available zones already in the ground that can be used for drip irrigation – so daily watering of these tender plants as automatic.
At the very least, make sure you get on the irrigation blowout schedule for winterizing services. Not blowing the water out of your irrigation can cause a lot more damage than the $100 or so it takes to hire Groundhog Landscaping to blow it out!